Christmas Stockings
Christmas Stocking Mission
2025 Mission Stockings are now available in baskets throughout the church.
Pick your favorite one out today and start filling it according to the instructions with the stocking.
If you are unable to make it to church to pick up a stocking, please let the church office know and one will be mailed to you upon request.
Please return any unused stockings to any mission stocking basket throughout the church or drop off at the church office.
Following the poem, the total amount to fill a stocking is $7.80. The money will be divided equally between Habitat for Humanity and Hospice.
Thanks again to everyone for their help and support in this mission.
Christmas Stocking Poem
Though Christmas is far off, we know,
It wouldn’t be too shocking,
To put a dime into the toe
Of your Church’s Christmas Stocking.
Since February is the second month,
You’ll put in two, you see.
While March, being the third month of
The Year, will call for three.
With April over you will have
Four more dimes than you had.
Next comes the pleasant month of May
When five more you will add.
Six in June, seven in July…
See how your gift is growing?
In August there’ll be eight more dimes
Into the stocking going.
September nine, October ten,
Eleven in November,
December calls for twelve last dimes
You surely will remember.
Your stocking dimes are now ready,
Count 78 in all.
And if you put a few more in
We really wouldn’t mind at all.

First Presbyterian Church
4 Clinton Street
Delhi, NY 13753