CWS Kits

Church World Service School & Hygiene Kits

CWS School Kits

We will again be filling the Church World Service School Kits. Prayerfully consider filling a kit or purchasing items towards filling a kit and drop them off at the church office.

Items needed include:

  • One pair of blunt metal scissors (rounded tip)
  • Three 70-count spiral notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose-leaf or filler paper)
  • One 30-centimeter ruler (12″)
  • One hand-held pencil sharpener
  • One large eraser
  • Six new pencils with erasers
  • One box of 24 crayons (only 24)
  • One 12″ x 14″ to 14″ x 17″ finished size cotton or lightweight canvas bag with cloth handles. (Please, no reusable shopping bags or backpacks.) School bag pattern available in the church office and below.

Pack all items inside the cloth bag.
We especially need donations of 70-count spiral notebooks, school bags or fabric to be used to make the bags. See Darcy in the church office if you have any questions.

Any items for these kits that you would like to contribute are greatly appreciated. Completed kits or items for the kits may be left in the church office.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration and response.

CWS Hygiene Kits

We focus on this mission in April, but we prepare for it through the year as well. Each health kit takes a wash cloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, nail clippers, travel-size deodorant, travel-size lotion, travel-size shampoo, travel-size toothpaste and a wide tooth comb. These items are placed in a gallon size Ziploc plastic bag.

We will take any donations toward this mission, including financial donations to ship the kits. We pay $2.00 per kit. For more information visit the CWS website.


First Presbyterian Church

4 Clinton Street
Delhi, NY 13753

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