Least Coin
Every penny makes a difference!
Pennies for Mission
The money collected from this jar goes toward the “Fellowship of the Least Coin.” This supports our extra-mile mission giving with our brothers and sisters around the globe.
Clean out that change cluttering your car, desk tops, dresser drawers, purses and pockets and bring your coins to the “Mile of Pennies” jar in the narthex or outside the church office.
In 1956 Shanti Solomon traveled through Asia as part of Pacific Mission Team, organized by Margaret Shannon of the National Office of the Presbyterian Women in the U.S., seeking reconciliation among women from war-torn countries. Refused entry into Korea, Shanti waited and prayed for inspiration while in the Philippines. She sought guidance for healing relationships among women of different cultures and countries. She envisioned women praying for each other across boundaries, setting aside a coin as a symbol of their sincerity. The Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) movement was born when other team members embraced her vision.

First Presbyterian Church
4 Clinton Street
Delhi, NY 13753