Upcoming Events
Christmas Eve Service
We will be having our annual Christmas Eve Service at 7:00pm on Christmas Eve (Tuesday). Come and worship with us!
Living Nativity
The First Presbyterian Church of Delhi will again present an outdoor Living Nativity as a gift to the community and as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas, complete with music and live animals. We invite the community to join us and even participate!
The Living Nativity will be held in front of the church (4 Clinton St, Delhi, NY) on Monday, December 23 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
For more information, to take part in the scene or to assist with the preparations, please contact the church office at 607-746-2155.
A food box will be available at the Nativity Scene for donations to the Community Food Bank.
First Presbyterian Church
4 Clinton Street
Delhi, NY 13753